S&P announces major rebalance for Dividend Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices has announced 'major rebalances' for select S&P Dividend Indices.

For no less than 5 Dividend Aristocrats Indices S&P will make weight and index constituent membership adjustments at the close of the last business day of January. Previously the rebalances were made after the close of trading on the 3rd Friday of December or January.

The following six indices will be rebalanced in January 2015:

- S&P500 Dividend Aristocrats Index
- S&P Europe 350 Dividend Aristocrats Index
- S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Index
- S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index
- S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index
- S&P Ethical Pan Asia Select Dividend Opportunities Index

Next to the major rebalances in January, minor rebalances of the above indices, which include constituent weight adjustments and continued eligibility screenings, will take place at the close of trading on the last business days of April, July and October.

For the S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Index and the S&P Ethical Pan Asia Select Opportunities Index the adjustments will be effective on the last business day of July.

The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index currently consists out of 54 stocks that have raised their dividend for at least 25 consecutive years.

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